Friday, 20 May 2011

A banker for 28 yrs shared his lesson learned while working in the BANK.

 The greatest lesson I learned during my working life in the Bank

There was one vivid incident which kept flashing back to me last few months. It happened 35 years ago. I was studying in the University of Auckland, New Zealand. One day, I skipped classes and decided to go for a movie in the city. The street was crowded.  As I was crossing the street at the traffic light, I heard a loud scream. Yaaaah!  Beside me, a guy was stabbed from behind by a crazy guy for no apparent reason. Blood kept oozing out from his back. The next day, I saw in the front page of the local news paper.  Two big words - WHY ME?

Fast forward to now, after 35 years, I often asked myself. What happened to this poor guy? Is he still paralyzed sitting on his wheel chair? How does he feel? Is he still angry, feeling resentful and revengeful? Or has he forgiven the crazy man and accept this as just another event in his life? What about the crazy man? Does he feel remorseful for his action? Asking himself -" Is this a dagger I see in front of me or is it my own imagination"

In life, as in work, all of us have been stabbed from behind, not physically maybe, but emotionally.
In life, some of us maybe strike down with cancer, stroke, car accident, divorce etc. Do we ask the same question - Why me?  In work, you may be transferred, demoted and feel that you have been deprived of your rights by some crazy guys or whatever. I have stopped asking the "why me" question  and learned to accept whatever happened as one of those events in my life. I have learned the power of acceptance.

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